Reasons and solutions for eccentric wear of diamond wire saw beads

Publish date:2022-08-18 09:34:33 Article From:Linxing Diamond Tools Clicks:

Diamond wire saws often experience partial grinding. Partial grinding, as the name suggests, means that the beads have abnormal consumption, mainly in the following forms:

This is the most common case of eccentric grinding of beads, which means that the beads are not uniformly consumed. When one side consumes more than other parts, the beads are no longer round but oval. Or one side has been obviously ground while the other faces are at a level that is rarely consumed.

The reasons and solutions for that situation are as follows:

1)There is no loop before knotting, or the number of loops is not enough. The granite wire saw must be looped before the rope is knotted, which is also called preloading. The specific operation method is to loop left and right on both ends of the wire saw. Normally, the new rope is looped with 2 times the number of meters. Such as a 40-meter wire saw, the number of turns is about 40 times on the left and right, a total of 80 times of loop. The purpose of the loop is mainly to allow more surfaces to be used in the cutting process of the wire saw, so that all surfaces of the beads will be consumed, which can increase the cutting life and reduce the cutting cost. Insufficient number of laps or only winding on one side will also cause this phenomenon of eccentric wear of the wire saw. The solution to solve this problem is very simple. In the process of mining granite with a wire saw, carefully cut the granite according to the cutting requirements, and do not save steps or change the operation steps at will.

diamond wire saw, bead eccentric grinding

2)If the number of preload turns is correct when the rope is connected, the cause of eccentric grinding is that the envelope angle is too small. The steel rope is difficult to spin at the corner, and the beaded side is continuously ground, resulting in uneven consumption. This situation mainly occurs in the case of cutting without flywheel, so the appropriate and reasonable erection of the flywheel can significantly increase the envelope angle of the wire saw cutting, thereby reducing such problems that the wire saw will appear.

3)The diamond distribution is uneven. It is mainly reflected in the uneven concentration distribution. The layer with low concentration will consume extremely fast, while the layer with high concentration will obviously consume less. The solution is to use higher-dimensional mixing equipment when the factory produces wire saws, and the mixing time also needs to be increased.

This situation is also called excessive bead taper, which is a type of eccentric wear of the wire saw, and the taper means that the front end of the bead is worn more than the back end, making the bead conical. Generally speaking, the taper range within 0.4mm is normal. The discussion here is that the excessive taper makes the beads appear partial wear.

The reasons and solutions for this situation are as follows:

1)The excessive taper is mainly caused by the unreasonable envelope. When the envelope is small, that is, the cutting surface is small, and the flywheel is not used in the cutting process, resulting in small cutting angle of the wire saw. And the beads cannot spin. In the case of rotation, if you cut like this for a long time, the cutting part and the rear end of the bead are very seriously consumed, while the middle part  takes less time to participate in the cutting due to the problem of the cutting envelope. And the middle part will gradually be smoothed as the cutting time goes on. This leads to the kind of eccentric wear, with small consumption in the middle and large consumption on both sides. The solution is to increase the envelope. It is best to choose to build a flywheel and increase the cutting angle, which will gradually improve this problem.

the measure to deal with the eccentric wear,wire saw rope

2)The other reasons are low line speed and the large cutting depth. The low line speed will lead to an increase in the friction force per unit area during the cutting process. As the cutting surface at the front and rear ends of the bead, it will be consumed very fast, and the middle part of the beading will be protrude because the two ends are low and the middle is high.

In general, the eccentric grinding of beads is mainly a problem of operation. In addition to the correct winding and connecting of the rope, it is also necessary to increase the cutting angle,  including the notification of the increased length of the wire saw, controling the line speed, and adjusting the cutting depth. Only then can the problem of eccentric grinding of the wire saw bead be adjusted.