Router bit diamond segment

Publish date:2022-07-14 15:09:58 Article From:Linsing Diamond Tools Clicks:

Router bit is a common stone processing tools, according to different grits, divided into agglomerated diamond router bit, continuous resin router bit and polished router bit. However the diamond segment is mainly used in the stone rough grinding stage, That is the agglomerated diamond router bit.

The router bit diamond is very different from the segment of traditional cutting stone, it mainly has the following characteristics:

1.The diamond particles are larger, and the router bit segment is mainly used for rough grinding of the stone surface, so it needs more large partcles segment, grit aspect, from 16# to 80#, among them, the more common ones are 16#, 24#, 36#, 50#, 60#, 80#, etc.


2.The shape of the router bit segment is changeable, and the router bit segment will change according to the change of the shape of the line. Various arcs, straight lines, twills, various combinations are combined, and there are thousands of changes,  Therefore, the segment needs a lot of molds for sintering. However, due to the high price of cold-pressed molds, most of the router bit segments are still sintered by granulation, rather than the more advanced process - cold-pressed sintering.

3.The router bit  does not have high requirements for the segment. Unlike cutting, the grinding tool does nothing but complete the grinding process for the segment, and because the processing cycle and strength are not high, Therefore, the service life of a router bit is often very long, and some factories cannot use a set of grinding wheels for half a year. In such a case, it is wasteful to use high-quality segment for router bit, so people tend to use secondary recycled diamond powder for processing, This kind of grinding wheel can also easily complete the stone line processing. However, for grinding wheels with high precision requirements, the construction is carried out according to different diamond particle sizes, and the particle size is continuously reduced. Finally, through rough grinding, fine grinding, precision grinding and polishing, the final stone surface is very beautiful, and the luminosity performance is also the best

diamond segments, linxing diamond tools, diamond mining segments

4.The router bit has a relatively fixed size, the main diameters are 65mm, 75mm, 85mm, 100mm, depending on the width of the flower line, although special specifications can also be customized, but the cost of the mold needs to be considered, also take into account the change in tip size during natural sintering.In the continuous development of the router bit , due to it has a long service life, and this tool is mostly used in developed countries for finishing, higher efficiency is required, so the gradually longer-lasting segment type agglomeration is gradually replaced by the more efficient brazed router bit , and the vacuum brazed grinding wheel does not need larger diamond particles due to its rough surface. 50# and 60# diamond powders are sufficient. This extremely commonly used powder also reduces the requirements for raw materials for products that need a variety of particle size labels.