How long can diamond segment be stored?

Publish date:2023-05-15 16:22:29 Article From:Linsing diamond tools Clicks:

The storage time of diamond segment?

The diamond segment is a high-value cutting tool, and the correct storage method can prolong its service life and maintain its cutting performance. The following are recommendations for storage time for diamond segment:

The diamond segment should be stored in a dry, clean and dust-proof environment, avoiding the intrusion of moisture and dust.

diamond segments

Diamond segments should not be placed directly on the ground or stacked together, and should be stored separately in special segment boxes or brackets.

Before storing diamond segment, their surfaces should be cleaned to remove cutting chips and other impurities.

If you need to store the diamond segment for a long time, please apply a layer of protective oil on the surface of the segment to keep its surface clean and prevent rust.

During the storage period, check the status of the diamond segment regularly to avoid aging of the blade and decrease in use effect caused by long-term storage.

In general, if properly stored and maintained, diamond segment can last for years, if not longer.

How to store the welded diamond segment?

The welded diamond segment needs to pay attention to the following storage points:

1. Avoid collision: When storing, care should be taken to avoid collision with hard objects, so as not to scratch or damage the diamond.

2. Avoid moisture: If the solder and flow agent used in the welding of diamond segments are not cleaned, residues may be left on the surface of the segment, causing oxidation and corrosion of the segment. Therefore, the storage environment should be a dry, ventilated place free from moisture.

3. Avoid direct sunlight: The welding material of the diamond segment will have a certain reaction to sunlight, which may cause the color change and damage of the diamond. Therefore, the storage place should avoid direct sunlight.

4. Classified storage: Diamond segments should be classified and stored according to type and specification for easy management and use.

5. Regular inspection: Regularly check whether the stored diamond segments are damaged, oxidized, etc., and deal with and replace them in time.

stone cutting segments

To sum up, the correct storage method can protect the quality and service life of the diamond segment. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the low temperature environment will have a certain impact on the diamond segment. The hardness and toughness of the diamond segment are greatly affected by temperature, and low temperature will reduce the toughness of the diamond segment, making it more brittle. In particular, vibration and impact are often encountered during use. If the diamond segment is used at low temperature, it is prone to cracking and breaking, which will affect the cutting effect and service life. Therefore, it is recommended that when storing and using the diamond segment, avoid exposing it to a low temperature environment, and try to keep it within the normal room temperature range.