Diamond segments quality identification

Publish date:2022-07-06 17:13:40 Article From:Linsing Diamond Tools Clicks:

After the diamond segment is produced, the quality of the diamond segemnt can be identified from the following aspects. Although the specific quality of the segment may still be determined by the final cutting data, it can be preliminary judge in some aspects.

Moss scale of hardness

The process of production of processed diamond segments is actually like the process of cutting softer stone with harder materials. Generally, the Mohs hardness of granite is between 7-8, and the hardness of diamond segment must be higher than that of granite. It is generally maintained at about 10, and this factor directly affects the life of the segments. Is the harder diamond segment better? This is not the case, because the Mohs hardness of diamond is about 10, when the Mohs hardness of the segment exceeds the Mohs hardness of diamond, then the diamond wears faster than the matrix bond, and eventually the diamond is ground flat but the matrix bond part is not worn off. This will directly cause the segments can not cutting the stone. Therefore, when we are testing the quality of the segments, we must check the Mohs hardness of the segments. It is ideal to keep it at about 10, it is a relatively poor segments if over or lower.

There are many reasons for the segments with the problem of over or low hardness, but the critical issue is that  the formula and the process have some problems, or results from the improper operation steps during the operation. Therefore, in the process of production of processed diamond segments, careful calculation, careful trial and careful operation can ensure the stability of the final product.

 the quality of diamond segments

Size of diamond segments

During the process of production of processed diamond segments, the volume of the diamond segments is constant, because the weight of each segment and the density to be achieved are completely measured during the batching process, and the natural volume is also kept constant. Especially during the final sintering process,The shape of the graphite mould  can keeps the error of the segments at 0.1mm, especially the Linxing diamond segments, which maintains a very high level in the industry, their error of each segments is kept at 0.05mm. The volume of the diamond segments is also an excellent embodiment of the quality of the segment. The smaller the volume error, the better the quality of the segment, and the larger the volume error, the segment must be relatively poor.

There are many reasons caused the different sizes of the segments, such as serious oxidation of the matrix binder, or insufficient heat preservation time, and the segments is not completely compacted; or the mould is unloaded prematurely, causing the segments to rebound; or the mold is repeatedly used , the size is too large, etc. These reasons are more human factors, and most of them can be avoided.

The weight of the diamond segment

The Moss scale of hardness test of the segments requires a professional organization. Some stone factories do not have such testing conditions. Therefore, stone factories usually judge the quality of the segment by the weight. Generally, the heavier the weight of the diamond segment,the more materials used in. Under normal circumstances, the life of more heavier segment in the cutting process is longer than that of a lighter segment.

The weight of the segments is different, and it often exists during the batching process. This parameter has no scientific basis, but it is also the simplest and most practical way of identification. There are also some segments with lighter weight due to the heating speed is too high  and results the metal flow during the hot pressing process.

 diamond segments quality identification

The density of diamond segment

The density of the segment has a minimum standard, the minimum density = the total weight of the segment feed / the standard volume of the segment X 95%. The minimum density is also a judgment of the quality of the segment. Generally, the range of the minimum density is kept within a certain range, and both exceeding a certain range and lower than a certain range have a bad effect on the cutting efficiency.