Why Are Super Large Diameter Diamond Saw Blades Not Used For Block Cutting?

Publish date:2022-07-04 17:42:29 Article From:Linxing Diamond Tools Clicks:

The development time of diamond saw blades in China is not long. Since the 1980s, China has been vigorously developing diamond saw blade products because of the development of the stone industry. By the 1990s, China had begun to produce its own diamond saw blade products. Until the beginning of the 21st century, China had the ability to produce saw blades with all diameters below 3500mm. But at that time, China did not have the production capacity for saw blades with a diameter of more than 3600mm.

As of 2008, foreign countries have begun to study the project of super large saw blades with a diameter of 3600-5200mm. In Germany in particular, the ability to produce large saw blades with a diameter of 5000 mm has long been available. Taking this opportunity of development, some Chinese machinery companies have developed quarry diamond saw blades. The size of the saw blade required for the disc is larger than 4200mm. In this case, China's ultra-large diameter diamond saw blade products have developed rapidly. Soon, China's quarry diamond saw blades became self-sufficient. But at present, oversized saw blades are only used for mining, and are rarely used in factories to cut blocks, mainly due to the following reasons:

1:In order to save costs, the steel used for large saw blades often uses 70Mn as the base material. Although such materials are cheap, they can only be used in terms of performance. And the quality of steel is particularly good, the price is too expensive. In consideration of cost, too large steel matrix does not meet the market sales rules.

2:Too much noise. The main reason is that the larger the size of the saw blade, the wind noise generated during work, the noise of the rotating machinery when driving the saw blade, and the large friction noise of the saw blade during the cutting process, which are prone to serious noise pollution. If this situation occurs in the stone factory, the noise can hardly be eliminated.

3:vibration frequency: In the process of cutting stone, the large saw blade is prone to generate excessive vibration frequency. Under the influence of this vibration frequency for a long time, the life of the saw blade will be greatly shortened.

4: Saw blades are not easy to align and level. The larger the blade size, the more difficult it is to straighten and level. If the saw blade is bent, it can be expensive to repair.

5:There is no suitable mechanical fit. At present, the machines suitable for cutting large blocks in the world include gang saw machine and multi-wire saw machine. At present, the mainstream market has not considered the design and production of machinery that can mount super large saw blades. The large saw blade is not very practical for cutting blocks, and the possibility of replacing other machinery is not very strong.

6: Waste too much stone resources. The larger the saw blade, the larger the width of the segment. During the cutting process, when the segment is consumed, a large amount of stone is also consumed, which greatly wastes stone resources.

On the whole, large saw blades are currently mainly used in the processing of mining machinery. In the future, with the development of the metallurgical industry, if there is a special alloy that can be used to produce an ultra-thin saw blade, then the large saw blade may go to the block cutting project.

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Why Are Super Large Diameter Diamond Saw Blades Not Used For Block Cutting?

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