The method of re-sharpening the diamond segment

Publish date:2023-03-19 13:56:01 Article From:Linsing diamond tools Clicks:

When the diamond blade loses its sharpness, it can be re-sharpened by the following methods:
1: use the grinding wheel to sharpen: install the grinding wheel on the grinder, then fix the diamond segment on the jig, and put the jig on the grinding wheel for sharpening. This method works well for cutting the diamond segment.

Using a grinding wheel to sharpen is a common method of sharpening diamond segments. The following are the specific steps:

Prepare the grinder: choose the appropriate grinder and install the grinding wheel.

Choose the right grinding wheel: choose the right grinding wheel according to the material, size and other factors of the diamond segment.

Fixed the diamond segment: fix the diamond segment on the jig to ensure stability.

Adjust the grinder: adjust the speed and feed rate of the grinder to ensure the best cutting effect.

To start sharpening: place the diamond segment on the grinding wheel and push gently along the edge of the blade so that the grinding wheel lightly touches the cutting edge of the blade.

Control the feed speed: to control the feed speed, keep the blade in proper contact with the grinding wheel, and avoid cutting too deep.

Check the diamond segment: after a period of sharpening, check whether the cutting effect of the diamond segment has reached the ideal state.

Clean the diamond segment: after using the grinding wheel to sharpen the blade, clean the diamond segment in time to avoid damage to the diamond segment caused by residual metal chips and other sundries.

It should be noted that when you use the grinding wheel to sharpen the edge, pay attention to safety protection measures, wear protective glasses and gloves, etc., to avoid accidents.
diamond segment, stone cutting tips, diamond cutting tools2: cutting refractory bricks: cutting refractory bricks is the most common way to sharpen the diamond segment. This method saves trouble and effort, but the efficiency is poor. The following are the detailed steps of using refractory bricks to sharpen the blade.

Prepare the diamond segment and cut the refractory bricks: choose the cutting refractory bricks of appropriate size and particle size, and prepare a hand-held tool for cutting refractory bricks.

Fix the diamond segment: secure the diamond segment to a table or jig to ensure the segment does not move or wobble throughout the sharpening process.

Dressing the diamond segment with a abrasive wheel: use a abrasive wheel to dress the surface of the diamond segment to ensure a smooth and flat surface. This avoids excessive heat when cutting refractory bricks, thus prolonging the life of the diamond segment.

Start sharpening: put the cutting refractory brick on the diamond segment, start cutting slowly, and repeatedly cut and adjust until the diamond segment reaches the ideal degree of sharpening.

Trimming with a abrasive wheel: trimming of the surface of the diamond segment with a abrasive wheel to ensure a smooth and even surface and remove any possible burrs or uneven surfaces. This prevents the diamond segment from jamming or the tip from wearing out too quickly when cutting.

Cleaning the diamond segment: wash the diamond segment with water to remove the dust and debris generated when cutting refractory bricks to keep the diamond segment clean and sharp.

The above steps can help you sharpen the diamond segment with cutting refractory brick. Note that this is a skill and experience job that needs to be done carefully to avoid damaging the diamond segment or other material.
 segment for granite, stone edge cutting segments3: replace the diamond segment: if the diamond segment has been severely worn and cannot be restored by grinding wheels or refractory bricks, then the best choice is to replace a new diamond segment.

It should be noted that different diamond segment materials and cutting materials will also affect the sharpness and service life of the diamond segment. Therefore, when using a diamond segment, the diamond segment should be selected according to the specific material and cutting requirements, and at the same time, attention should be paid to the maintenance and maintenance of the diamond segment to prolong its service life.