Diamond segments grit size selection

Publish date:2022-07-07 13:39:37 Article From:Linsing Diamond Tools Clicks:

Natural stone processing process, cutting, polishing, shaping, drilling, trimming, grinding edge and other processes, all need to use the diamond segment, and the grit size of diamond segment will directly affect the effect of stone polishing, the higher the grit size of diamonds, the corresponding value is smaller, the larger the particles, in the process, the higher the grit size of diamond segment, the more used for processing process priority order.

For cutting, the granularity of diamond and the grit size of segments is meaningless, the grit size of sights for stone grinding is of great use, the following we are from the polishing and edge processing tools, respectively, to understand the grit size of diamond segments of different tools.

diamond segments, stone cutting segments, diamond segments grit size

Cut the slate, first need to use a coarser-grained planetary grinding wheel for leveling, planetary grinding wheel using a larger segment, using a leveling machine or automatic grinder, particle size of 30/40, 45/50, 50/ 60, 70/80, 80/100, etc., of which 30/40 is used for the first step of processing, while the diamond segment for the installation of other items is used for the second or third step. to process a smoother stone surface.

Then you need to use 30, 36, 50, 100, 200, 400, etc. of diamond grinding plate to polish the stone surface, if the previous process is used to the planetary grinding wheel, then the diamond grinding disc can directly use the grit size of 200, the first processing process, if there is no planetary grinding wheel, you can use 30 or 50, the diamond segment grinding plate for the first processing process tools. The diamond grinding plates of 100, 200, and 400 can be selected in turn, and then extended. Out of the grinding plate, can also use diamond bra as a rough grinding abrasive, but diamond bra for large diamond lumps, the particle size will be more, respectively, 36, 46, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 , 180 , 240 , 320 , etc. , and diamond grinding disk usage is the same, according to the particle size of the planetary grinding wheel in front of, adjust the particle size of diamond abrasives, to ensure that the particle size of the diamond segment is about twice the granularity of the previous process resin. However, no matter how to change, after the completion of the last process, the stone rough grinding process is basically completed, the stone surface has a certain degree of smoothness. Subsequent processes no longer use diamond segments, but the use of resin and buff materials, this article is no longer too much introduction.

In addition to grinding, grinding edge is also needed to use to diamond segment, commonly used grinding tools mainly have CNC wheel, grinding wheel, positioning wheel and finger drill, etc., the following are to understand the grit size of diamond segment used in these abrasives:

granite cutting segments, diamond segments for granite, diamond cutter for stone industry

In terms of rough grinding, these abrasives often use 30/40 as the first rough grinding tool, while the grinding wheel of 70/80 is the second tool, and after two machining, the rough grinding tool for the grinding edge is completed. During the stone grinding process, fine grinding also needs to be used to the diamond segment, such as the next 140/170, 230/270, etc. diamond grinding wheel, will be the next granularity. Finally, the final edge processing process is completed using resin or buff abrasive. In general, the grit size of diamond segment selection is very many, but the processing order is basically constant, from large to small particle size of the process of continuous rough grinding and fine grinding, and finally achieve the grinding effect.