How to use an automatic laser welding machine to weld diamond segment

Publish date:2023-09-16 13:44:16 Article From:Linsing diamond tools Clicks:

Certainly, here is a detailed guide on how to use an automatic laser welding machine to weld diamond segments:


Step 1: Preparation
Safety First: Before starting the welding process, ensure that you are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, including safety goggles, protective clothing, and gloves.

Equipment Check: Make sure the automatic laser welding machine is in good working condition. Check the power source, cooling system, and laser emitter for proper operation.

Prepare the Workspace: Ensure that the work area is clean, organized, and free from flammable materials and other hazards.

Step 2: Prepare the Diamond Segment
Select the Right Segment: Choose a diamond segment that suits your requirements. Ensure that the segment's surface is free from visible damage or defects.

Clean the Segment: Before welding, thoroughly clean the surface of the segment with an appropriate cleaning agent to remove dirt and grease.

Position the Segment: Precisely position the diamond segment on the working platform of the welding machine, ensuring accurate alignment.

Step 3: Set Welding Parameters
Choose Welding Parameters: Based on the material and requirements of the diamond segment, set the parameters on the automatic laser welding machine, including power, pulse frequency, and focal length.

Step 4: Welding
Laser Preheating: Prior to the actual welding, perform laser preheating to raise the temperature of the segment's surface to the appropriate level to ensure welding quality.

Welding Process: Activate the automatic laser welding machine and precisely aim the laser beam at the welding point on the diamond segment. Keep the welding machine stable to ensure even heating of the welding point.

Monitor Welding: During the welding process, closely monitor the temperature and status of the welding point. Ensure that the welding achieves the desired depth and strength.

Step 5: Cooling and Inspection

Cool the Segment: After completing the welding, use the cooling system to rapidly cool the diamond segment to prevent overheating damage.

Inspect Weld Quality: Carefully inspect the welding point to ensure there are no cracks, voids, or other defects. Make necessary repairs or re-weld if needed.

Step 6: Cleaning and Maintenance
Clean the Equipment: Thoroughly clean the automatic laser welding machine to ensure long-term performance and reliability.

Regular Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance as per the manufacturer's recommendations to extend the machine's lifespan.

Step 7: Record and Archive
Record Parameters: Maintain a record of the parameters and conditions used during the welding process for future reference and quality control.

Archive Data: Archive all welding data and relevant documents for future inspections and traceability requirements.

Please note that each step in this process requires a high level of technical skill and experience. It is advisable to have trained professionals carry out these procedures. Additionally, adhere to all relevant safety regulations and standards to ensure a safe working environment and compliance with operations.