How to identify the quality of the diamond segment?

Publish date:2023-04-11 16:20:53 Article From:Linsing diamond tools Clicks:

The following aspects need to be paid attention to in identifying the quality of diamond segment:
diamond segmentObserve the surface of the diamond segment: the surface of a good diamond segment is smooth, without defects such as cracks and damage, with uniform particles, consistent size, and relatively uniform color.

Detect hardness: you can use some hardness testing instruments to test, the higher the hardness, the better the cutting effect.

Test wear resistance: after using for a period of time, it is a good way to observe whether the segment wears faster and how durable it is.

Check the welding quality: the diamond segment with good welding quality, the welding part has no air holes, no cracks, tight welding, and better cutting effect.

Test the cutting effect: use the diamond segment for the actual cutting work, observe how the cutting effect is, whether it is smooth, whether the cutting is smooth, etc.

The above are a few commonly used methods, which can be used to preliminarily judge the quality of diamond segments, but it is best to choose regular manufacturers to purchase, so as not to buy inferior products.

So what are the commonly used equipment and instruments for the detection of diamond segments?

The identification equipment of diamond segments can vary according to different identification purposes and precision requirements. Here are some common identification equipment:

Microscope: it can be used to observe the shape, size and distribution of diamond particles, etc.

Electron microscope: it can observe the structure and shape of diamond particles more finely, as well as the combination between diamond and solder, etc.

Universal testing machine: it can be used to test performance indicators such as strength, hardness, toughness, and fracture strength of diamond segments.

Laser scanner: it can be used to detect the flatness and angle error of the diamond segment, etc.

Thermal tester: it can be used to test the thermal expansion coefficient of the diamond segment to evaluate its high temperature resistance.

X-ray fluorescence spectrometer: it can be used to analyze the composition and purity of diamond particles.

Simple measuring tools such as spirit levels and calipers: these can be used to check the size, flatness, angle error, etc. of the diamond segment.

The above equipment is only a part of it, and the selection of specific identification equipment depends on factors such as the nature of the diamond segment to be identified and the requirements for identification accuracy.
diamond cutting segment for marbleIn general, the identification of diamond segment can use testing equipment and tools, and can also be directly used for material cutting, and it can be judged according to the performance of cutting.